#2c3fb3 Hex Color

  • #2c3fb3 Color Information

    • In RGB color space, #2c3fb3 hex color has a red value of 44, a green value of 63 and a blue value of 179.

    • In CMYK color space (used in color printing), #2c3fb3 hex color is composed of 75.42% cyan, 64.8% magenta, 0% yellow and 29.8% black.

    • #2c3fb3 color has a hue of 231.6 degrees, a saturation of 60.54% and a lightness of 43.7%.

    • #2c3fb3 hex color contains mainly BLUE.

    • The closest web safe color of #2c3fb3 is #3333cc

    • #2c3fb3 hex color has a decimal value of 2899891.

    #2c3fb3 Color Spaces (Color Conversions)

    HEX 2c3fb3 #2c3fb3
    RGB 44, 63, 179 rgb(44, 63, 179)
    RGB Percent 17.25, 24.71, 70.2 rgb(17.25, 24.71, 70.2)
    CMYK 75, 65, 0, 30
    HSL 231.6°, 60.54, 43.7 hsl(231.6, 60.54%, 43.7%)
    HSV 231.6°, 75.4, 70.2
    XYZ 10.953, 7.345, 43.488
    Hunter Lab 27.102, 24.712, -76.167
    CIE-LAB 32.58, 33.919, -63.53
    CIE-LCH 32.58, 72.018, 298.098
    CIE-LUV 75.42, 64.8, 0, 29.8
    Web Safe 3333cc

    RGB percent of color #2c3fb3


    CMYK percent of color #2c3fb3


    Color Schemes with #2c3fb3

    Complementary Color

    Split Complementary

    #2c3fb3 Color Preview

    Text with hexadecimal color #2c3fb3

    This text has a font color of #2c3fb3

    <p style="color:#2c3fb3">Text here</p>

    #2c3fb3 Background Color

    This box has a background color of #2c3fb3

    <div style="background-color:#2c3fb3">Text here</div>

    #2c3fb3 Border Color

    This box has a border color of #2c3fb3

    <div style="border: 4px solid #2c3fb3">Text here</div>

    CSS codes

    <p style="color:#2c3fb3">Text here</p>
    <div style="background-color:#2c3fb3">Text here</div>
    <div style="border: 4px solid #2c3fb3">Text here</div>

    #2c3fb3 Color on white background

    This is how a font and box color of #2c3fb3 will look
    on a white background.

    #2c3fb3 Color on black background

    This is how a font and box color of #2c3fb3 hex color will look
    on a black background.