#212320 Hex Color

  • #212320 Color Information

    • In RGB color space, #212320 hex color has a red value of 33, a green value of 35 and a blue value of 32.

    • In CMYK color space (used in color printing), #212320 hex color is composed of 5.71% cyan, 0% magenta, 8.57% yellow and 86.27% black.

    • #212320 color has a hue of 100 degrees, a saturation of 4.48% and a lightness of 13.1%.

    • #212320 hex color contains mainly GREEN.

    • The closest web safe color of #212320 is #333333

    • #212320 hex color has a decimal value of 2171680.

    #212320 Color Spaces (Color Conversions)

    HEX 212320 #212320
    RGB 33, 35, 32 rgb(33, 35, 32)
    RGB Percent 12.94, 13.73, 12.55 rgb(12.94, 13.73, 12.55)
    CMYK 6, 0, 9, 86
    HSL 100°, 4.48, 13.1 hsl(100, 4.48%, 13.1%)
    HSV 100°, 8.6, 13.7
    XYZ 1.489, 1.63, 1.603
    Hunter Lab 12.767, -1.524, 1.493
    CIE-LAB 13.412, -1.666, 1.692
    CIE-LCH 13.412, 2.375, 134.556
    CIE-LUV 5.71, 0, 8.57, 86.27
    Web Safe 333333

    RGB percent of color #212320


    CMYK percent of color #212320


    Color Schemes with #212320

    Complementary Color

    Split Complementary

    Alternative Colors for #212320

    #212320 Color Preview

    Text with hexadecimal color #212320

    This text has a font color of #212320

    <p style="color:#212320">Text here</p>

    #212320 Background Color

    This box has a background color of #212320

    <div style="background-color:#212320">Text here</div>

    #212320 Border Color

    This box has a border color of #212320

    <div style="border: 4px solid #212320">Text here</div>

    CSS codes

    <p style="color:#212320">Text here</p>
    <div style="background-color:#212320">Text here</div>
    <div style="border: 4px solid #212320">Text here</div>

    #212320 Color on white background

    This is how a font and box color of #212320 will look
    on a white background.

    #212320 Color on black background

    This is how a font and box color of #212320 hex color will look
    on a black background.