In RGB color space, #116267 hex color has a red value of 17, a green value of 98 and a blue value of 103.
In CMYK color space (used in color printing), #116267 hex color is composed of 83.5% cyan, 4.85% magenta, 0% yellow and 59.61% black.
#116267 color has a hue of 183.5 degrees, a saturation of 71.67% and a lightness of 23.5%.
#116267 hex color contains mainly BLUE.
The closest web safe color of #116267 is #006666
#116267 hex color has a decimal value of 1139303.
HEX | 116267 | #116267 |
RGB | 17, 98, 103 | rgb(17, 98, 103) |
RGB Percent | 6.67, 38.43, 40.39 | rgb(6.67, 38.43, 40.39) |
CMYK | 84, 5, 0, 60 | |
HSL | 183.5°, 71.67, 23.5 | hsl(183.5, 71.67%, 23.5%) |
HSV | 183.5°, 83.5, 40.4 |
XYZ | 7.047, 9.834, 14.359 |
Hunter Lab | 31.359, -14.766, -5.197 |
CIE-LAB | 37.543, -20.737, -9.486 |
CIE-LCH | 37.543, 22.804, 204.581 |
CIE-LUV | 83.5, 4.85, 0, 59.61 |
Web Safe | 006666 |
RGB percent of color #116267
CMYK percent of color #116267
Text with hexadecimal color #116267
This text has a font color of #116267
<p style="color:#116267">Text here</p>
#116267 Background Color
This box has a background color of #116267
<div style="background-color:#116267">Text here</div>
#116267 Border Color
This box has a border color of #116267
<div style="border: 4px solid #116267">Text here</div>
CSS codes
<p style="color:#116267">Text here</p>
<div style="background-color:#116267">Text here</div>
<div style="border: 4px solid #116267">Text here</div>
#116267 Color on white background
This is how a font and box color of #116267 will look
on a white background.
#116267 Color on black background
This is how a font and box color of #116267 hex color will look
on a black background.