Color Palette 12


Color Palette 12 was created by Alexane.

This color palette contains the following colors: #69D2E7, #A7DBD8, #E0E4CC, #F38630, #FA6900

Palette Colors Breakdown

Color HEX RGB Web Safe
R: 105
G: 210
B: 231
R: 105
G: 210
B: 231
R: 105
G: 210
B: 231
R: 105
G: 210
B: 231
R: 105
G: 210
B: 231

Font Color test

This will test all the colors from this color palette. Every color from the palette will be used as the font color mixed with all other colors from the palette as background color.

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test

Sample font color test